Our Story

“Trying to get ahead in today’s Banking system is like trying to swim upstream.”

Hey guys, I’m Robert and Christina Morris. As you can tell, we are Bitcoin Ambassadors and are working hard to share the freedom Bitcoin represents to everyone we can.

We’ve been working in Corporate America for over 20 years, in our early 40’s raising 3 daughters. Our goal is simple, retire well and pass down wealth to our children.

Over the past decade or so, both of those goals are in jeopardy as we do everything right, it seems we are spinning our wheels. That was until we found Bitcoin.


 While Bitcoin represents the “peoples money”, the banking system represents the “elites money”. The “rule makers” money. As long as we remain on the current monetary system, it will grow harder and harder with each generation to escape the “slavery” the system puts you in.

This is due to the price of appreciating assets constantly increasing making it more and more difficult for people to afford them. So we’re doing something about it in accumulating Bitcoin. Our personal wealth has increase exponentially as a result.

The Choice Is Simple
  • We can allow inflation to eat our retirement, or we can own Bitcoin 20 years into the future.
  • We can continue to make bankers rich off of our own money while we pay disgusting fees for them to hold it, or we can own bitcoin and move it for free.
  • We can allow the government to tax us to infinity and steal our children wealth, or we can pass them down bitcoin.

You now can open a Crypto 401(k) Retirement Account?

Did you know you can open and fund Retirement accounts designed specifically for Crypto Investing. This includes Traditional, Roth, Or SEP. You can invest your retirement funds in Bitcoin, Ethereum, Solana, Cardano, Sushi, and 100+ more. Awesome!

Saving and Investing in Cryptocurrencies

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Crypto Market compared to S&P 500 over past 5 years.


8362 Shearwater Ln
East Lansing, MI 48823

